Requirements to Visit Boo Boo's BoneYard
Current Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella Vaccinations
We understand that some medical conditions and a dog's age can affect an owner's choice to vaccinate or not vaccinate their dog(s) based on guidance from their vet. For those reasons, we will provide and require a signed vaccination waiver (with the exception of rabies, which is legally required every three years, unless appropriate documentation is provided by your vet). We do accept titer test results in lieu of some vaccinations.
Boo Boo's BoneYard's Kennel Cough Policy If your dog contracts kennel cough, our policy is to wait at least one week from the time your dog starts treatment (if recommended by your vet) before returning for daycare or boarding, assuming they are on the expected course of recovery and are no longer exhibiting symptoms. We ask that you consult with your vet before returning as well. This is due to the contagious nature of the bacteria. The cleaners used at Boo Boo's BoneYard throughout the day, and after each play session, target and eliminate viruses and bacteria like kennel cough, Parvo, distemper, and canine influenza. If we observe coughing or hacking while your dog is in our care, we will isolate him or her until you are able to pick him or her up. You will be notified immediately. We appreciate your understanding that our policy is driven by the priority we place on the overall health and wellness of all the dogs in our care.
Educate yourself about Kennel Cough and its symptoms as well as what home remedies are available to help your dog work through a milder case of the highly contagious respiratory disease.

Spay and Neuter Between 6-8 Months
It has been our experience that a dog's need to be properly socialized at an early age outweighs any risks associated with having your dog(s) spayed or neutered at a time when some in the vet community say is "too early." Research shows there are health risks associated with waiting longer to spay and neuter also. Current studies are conflicting and confusing for pet owners. More quality research is needed. In the meantime, we encourage you to do your best to educate yourself and make an informed decision based on your dog's needs and your lifestyle.

A Negative Fecal Test Result within the Last 6 Months
Learn more about the importance of fecal testing as well as the signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal parasites in dogs.

A Successful Evaluation
Upon review of your application, a daycare visit can be scheduled for your dog(s) to visit the BoneYard. This will give your dog(s) an opportunity to meet us, get familiar with our routine including the drop off and pick up process, and hopefully start to make some new furry friends. During this initial visit, your dog's behavior will be evaluated in a highly social environment to determine whether or not Boo Boo's BoneYard is a good fit, which we'll discuss with you at the agreed upon pick up time.